Introduction to ICT:Revision eBook

KSh 999.00

The ICT Exam Revision eBook is designed for candidates preparing for the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) exams. The topics covered align with the current syllabus, providing practice questions tailored to help candidates succeed.

Key features:

  • 13 topics, each with 20 revision questions and suggested answers at the end of each chapter.
  • Recommended for use after studying the suggested textbooks for a solid understanding of each subject.

Topics covered:

  1. Introduction to ICT
  2. Computer Systems
  3. Computer Hardware
  4. Computer Software
  5. Introduction to Operating Systems
  6. Computer Files
  7. Application Packages
  8. Information Systems
  9. Computer Networks
  10. The Internet
  11. Emerging Trends in ICT
  12. Data Security
  13. Legal, Ethical, and Social Issues in Information Systems

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Introduction to ICT: Revision eBook

This exam revision eBook is designed for candidates preparing for the Introduction to ICT( Information and Communications Technology) exam. The revision questions are designed with the candidate in mind, following the current KASNEB syllabus as much as possible.

The revision aid has 13 topics, each with 20 questions and suggested answers at the end of each chapter.

Topics covered include the following:

  1. Introduction to ICT
  2. Computer systems.
  3. Computer Hardware
  4. Computer Software
  5. Introduction to Operating Systems
  6. Computer Files
  7. Application packages
  8. Information Systems
  9. Computer Networks
  10. The Internet
  11. Emerging trends in ICT
  12. Data Security
  13. Legal, Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems.

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