7 Best Strategies for Exam Preparation

7 Best Strategies for Exam Preparation

  1. Know what you will be examined on and the exam dates: Exam creators expect candidates to answer questions on the subject’s topics. These topics are covered in class, and as a candidate, you will have notes to revise from. So, make sure your notes are up-to-date by checking them against the syllabus. Fix the exam timetable so you can see it and know the time you have for revision.
  2. Write a revision plan: To ensure you cover all areas likely to be covered in the exam, you need to create a revision plan early. This will enable you to organize your time well, by dividing your revision into manageable chunks with enough time for breaks. A revision plan will ensure you do not forget important things, and increase your performance, hence avoiding last-minute stress.
    • You can start by dividing the number of days you have till the exams by the number of subjects (and topics) you need to revise and allocate days and time for each subject/topic.
    • Be realistic about the time and ensure that you allocate more time to subjects that you find more difficult or are more detailed.
    • You should have time to revise your notes and time to practice questions.
    • You can find free templates for daily, weekly, and monthly planners online.
  3. Organize your revision notes: Ensure your notes are arranged in the order of topics in the subject syllabus. This will make it easier to remember and improve your memory. Also, remember why you are reading the notes:
    • For detailed reading, you need to read at a slower pace to gain a good understanding.
    • Skimming will help you get a general idea of a large piece of text quickly and identify the main ideas in each one.
    • Scanning will help you when you are looking for a specific piece of information (e. e.g. names, numbers, dates, examples, etc.) by moving your eyes quickly over the text.
  4. Review past papers: Past papers provide an excellent platform for exam revision as they contain examples of questions likely to come in the exam. It is easy to get free copies of past papers from your college and your colleagues. Most subject textbooks usually have examples of exam questions.
  5. Online revision platforms: There are also many online exam revision platforms offering past exam questions for free download. At revision4exams.com, candidates can practice through an online platform. The site provides hundreds of exam revision questions focusing on the Accounting Technicians Diploma (ATD) and CPA that are aligned with the KASNEB syllabus, with suggested answers. Candidates can practice as many times as necessary, anytime, anywhere through their mobile phones or desktops. You choose the subject you want to revise, do the questions, and compare your answers with the suggested answers. This platform is also an ideal exam revision site for anyone studying for business-related exams like a bachelor of commerce, diploma in accounting, Certified Secretaries (CS), or CIFA. As the questions cover topics per syllabus, you will be able to know which areas you are strong in and which need more revision.
  6. Practice doing the exam: If you want to pass your exam, you need to know what to write down and what to leave out, to ensure you get the most points out of the given time. Therefore, read the questions carefully, note how many points each question has, and how long it will take to answer the question. For example, a question that tells you to list 2 items will require less time, than a question that asks you to define, suggest or do calculations. It is good to practice for the exam and time yourself. You can start practicing at Revision4Exams.com. The site subscription is based, on both free and very affordable paid online exam revision offers.
  7. Look after yourself: Doing well in exams requires are healthy mind. You, therefore, need to keep yourself fit spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Eat well, exercise, and take regular breaks during your exam revision. Meditate or pray to increase your spiritual well-being, keep calm, and do your exams with confidence. Ensure your brain is well rested on the day of the exam by getting enough sleep.

7 Best Strategies for Exam Preparation

7 Best Strategies for Exam Preparation

7 Best Strategies for Exam Preparation

7 Best Strategies for Exam Preparation

7 Best Strategies for Exam Preparation

7 Best Strategies for Exam Preparation

7 Best Strategies for Exam Preparation

7 Best Strategies for Exam Preparation

7 Best Strategies for Exam Preparation


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